Guillotte's Geeks Wikia

Lilian Gentry

Kate was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia at age 2. Sara (Kate’s mother) was devastated when they found out. To save her life they needed to find an exact match for her. Jesse, Kate’s only brother was not an exact match. Sara decided to have another kid. So she had to go to the hospital to find an exact match of blood for Kate to save her life. When they had the baby they named her Anna. When they went back to the hospital it was time for Kate to get more white blood cells. So they borrowed some white blood cells from Anna. now Kate is 16 years old. Her parents weren’t even for sure she would stay alive for her 5th birthday. Anna decides she does not want her parents taking blood for her any more. She goes to find a lawyer for her so she can have the rights to her own body. If you want to see how it turns out read My Sister’s Keeper available at most bookstores. (probably)
